Dr. Neal Barnard has been vegan since 1984. He was so kind to let me get his pitch for the book Vegan Voices but he also let me squeeze in some questions. My time was limited so I really didn’t get to dig into the questions as deep as I would have loved to. It was also challenging because the building was under construction. So, there was a little audio interference I had to work around. I really hope to get Dr. Barnard for my next project, a documentary I’m excited to get started that he would be a perfect part in.
Dr. Neal D. Barnard is the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). Additionally, he is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, DC. He opened the Barnard Medical Center in 2016 as part of PCRM, with a focus on diet and preventative medicine.
Books by Dr Barnard
Your Body in Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health:
Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes Without Drugs:
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00:00 When and why did you go vegan?
2:00 What happens when you go vegan?
2:32 Why is it important for others to go vegan?
3:34 How do you encourage others to be vegan?
4:31 Do you have a success story you would like to share?
5:49 Plant Based Hospitals
7:00 Research
11:23 Is Eating Meat Necessary?
12:54 Is there a Genetic Predisposition for Eating Animals?
13:12 Why do you think some people quit veganism?
14:28 Thoughts on Calcium, Selenium, and Zinc
15:18 No Calcium Supplements
15:41 Should we eat Seaweed for Iodine?
15:52 Thoughts on B12
17:43 Vitamin D or the Sun?
19:42 Is Folic Acid from Fortified Foods Potentially Dangerous?
21:25 Thoughts on Fasting
24:28 Nutrient Density
25:59 How do you suggest others get started?
Original Source Can Be Found Here