Joe Rogan tells Russell Brand to “Get off that !@#$ing vegan diet” when talking about martial arts training. Joe’s claims around vegan propaganda, meat being healthy, and the ethics of hunting merited a response.
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Main Rogan Video:
My ZDOGG What the Health Response:
My HDL Video:
My ‘High Cholesterol is Okay’ Response video:
My ‘Eating Cholesterol Doesn’t Raise it’ Video:
Heme Iron DNA damage and Cancer:
Mechanistic Connections Between Meat and Diabetes:
Atherosclerosis in Mummies:
Low Carb Diets +30% Mortality Risk:
Whole Food Vegan Reversing Heart Disease Trial:
Vegan Adventists Vs Omnivores Diabetes Source:
HDL Raising Medication Doesn’t Help:
Grain Fiber Decreases Colorectal Cancer Mortality:
Whole Grains and Mortality:
Whole Grains and Heart Disease:
Grains Eaten 105,000 Years Ago:
Egg Yolk Consumption and Artery Clogging:
Artery Clogging and LDL Levels:
Direct Measurements of Grass-fed Methane:
#JoeRogan #RussellBrand #Vegan
Intro/Outro Song: Sedução Momentânea by Roulet: