Due to a recent article published by the BBC titled, “How A Vegan Diet Could Affect Your Intelligence”, there has been a lot of speculation regarding the safety of vegan diets.
Among other false ideas, the author claims that plant-based diets are low in certain nutrients including iron, vitamin B6, and folate. This article is the perfect example of how even reputable news outlets can publish opinion pieces with cherry-picked studies and inaccurate information.
Fortunately, I’m sharing the science-based evidence with you in this video so you can let go of any fears regarding a plant-based diet!
As always, links to the research mentioned in this video are available on my website, Whitney E. RD:
If you’re looking to transition to a more plant-centered diet, try out my FREE 7-DAY PREDOMINANTLY PLANT-BASED MEAL PLAN right now! Download it here:
If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below – I try my best to personally answer all of them!
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Original Source Can Be Found Here