A look at 4 pros and 4 cons around a vegan diet. Comparing vegan keto to standard keto as well as a standard vegan diet all while looking at the research.
– Links and Sources –
– @micthevegan
My Cookbook:
TIY Tiny House Channel:
Amazon Wish List:
Vegan Keto Videos Featured:
Elsa’s Wholesome Life:
Ruth May:
Buzzfeed – Guy Tries Vegan Keto:
Keto Basics Study:
Standard Low Carb increased Artery Clogging Study:
Alzheimer’s and Ketogenic Diets:
Adverse Effects on a Keto Diet:
Keto = 3,000x more kidney stones than children should have:
Dark Undereye Posts:
Higher Fiber Associated with Lower Death Rate Study:
Fiber = Lower Inflammation Study:
NIH Keto Study:
BROAD Vegan Weight Loss Study:
Eco-Atkins 6 Month Study:
High Animal vs High Vegetable Low Carb Diet Mortality:
#Vegan #Keto
Original Source Can Be Found Here