Legendary US ultra runner Scott Jurek reveals why he is plant powered and why he thinks it’s a good option for long distance athletes.
It’s really interesting because Scott came from a background of hunting and fishing and gradually worked out that a vegan diet was best for him as an endurance athlete.
He shares his favourite ultra foods too, so if you want to try out meat and dairy-free options, there are some good suggestions here. And there are tonnes more good ones in his book, Eat & Run. I really like the lentil mushroom burgers and have taken them with me on many long runs like the Tour de Helvellyn and Lakes 42.
If you fancy buying Scott’s book Eat & Run after watching this, then if you could do so via the link on my website www.wildgingerfilms.co.uk that would be awesome as it gives me a few pennies without any impact on your pocket. Every little helps! Thank you.
This film is part of some unseen exclusive interview footage with Scott Jurek from his 2013 Eat & Run book launch in London. I found this recently in my files and it has never been published before. His advice is still very interesting and relevant today.
In Part I of II (here you can find out how he grew up, the hardships he endured, and why he likes running (or liked to run!) such long races and trails. Plus, more info on his visit to the Lake District, UK, to do the famous Bob Graham Round in 2014.
In Part II of III ( he shares his top 4 tips for ultra runners. A couple of them really resonated with me so do read the description for where these are and see if you agree.
Do subscribe as next week there will be more great advice on out fave sport. Bear with, there is only one of me doing everything – filming, editing, writing, website-ing and social media-ing 🙂
Music credit: Into the Woods, Silent Partner
Original Source Can Be Found Here