Going vegan improved my relationship with my body and food. It is the best decision I’ve ever made! I focus more on the spiritual, kind of inner reasoning for going vegan in this video. Us women are treated unfairly due to the patriarchal world we live in, so it is important we do all we can to look after ourselves. Going vegan is a great form of self-care/self-love. ❤️
My videos vary ~
◦ Guided meditations
◦ Holistic health and wellness (natural healing)
◦ Happiness + Positivity
◦ Self care
◦ Spirituality
◦ Female empowerment
◦ Anxiety
◦ Relationship tips + advice
◦ Vegan food + Sustainability
◦ Sexuality/LGBTQIA+ matters
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Vegan Campout –
Original Source Can Be Found Here