Is Veganism a cult? Extremism? or would it actually save the planet if everyone went vegan?
In this video I address these points and:
Why I went Vegan and why I stay 98% vegan? Also what about the B12 debate? apparently vegans are deficient, should we just eat meat to stay topped up?
And what does being vegan have to do with saving the planet?
All is explained and back up by science in this video.
Here are the links mentioned in the video:
Chart of the teeth of Herbivores, Omnivores and Herbivores and how the food these groups eat are digested and utilised in their bodies:
Why vegans need Vi B12:
Why vegans need other vitamins:
Is meat addictive? a Doctors findings:
– Is meat addictive? – Dr Fuhrman
Is Meat addictive? Dr Fuhrman’s findings:
The 80-10-10 Book by Dr Graham on Amazon:
B12 Supplementation of livestock –
A study done in the UK on vegans, vegetarians and carnivores and B12 deficiency, we are deficient, take your supplements guys and girls!!
Encyclopedia of Healing Foods how eating meat affects us biologically:
High quality vitamins brands I take myself:
Biocare, Solgar, Viridian
Juice Plus Complete range for Vegan weight loss, Omega 3 and Fruit/veg and Berry supplements:
Instagram: getwellnaturallywitheliza
Facebook: Eliza Bernitt
#vegan #veganism #savetheplanet #cowspiracy #gamechangers #seaspiracy #b12 #vitamins #vitamindepletion #dolphinfriendly #carbonfootprint #deforestation #veganforhealth #animalholocaust #savetheanimals #animalcruelty #slaughterhouse #meataddiction #meat #bycatch #overfarming #overfishing #seadeath #oceandeath #2048
Original Source Can Be Found Here