G´day gardeners and ground lovers. Since I published my first video about how I made soil bacteria for my veggie garden, I have learnt a lot more about these amazing little bacteria.
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At first, I just saw it as a glass of milky water, and knew absolutely nothing about them. I published the video and then got flooded with interesting and relevant questions, most of which I could not answer at first. This was a bit frustrating, so I started looking for the answers to all the questions. What a great way to dive into this underground world and learn more about LACTOBACILLUS BACTERIA, the keystone species to life on Earth.
I initially only learnt how to make the brew from a friend of mine, Ben, and away I went to get my rice and molasses. In this video, I get a second chance to tell you about the most important living organism you are ever going to meet. I´ll tell you where they are, how to catch them and what they like to eat.
Sorry to everyone who went out of their way to get a 100 litre drum. If you only have a small garden like mine, I have found that it is a bit overkill. Learning by doing 🙂 I learnt the hard way that by leaving the drum in the sun, it would eventually end up killing all my bacteria. I see myself now as a farmer. A farmer who farms tiny wincy little microscopic animals. Understanding them now on a deeper level, I am able to look after them properly so they can help me in my garden.
I have put all the still images from the video on my patreon page for my Patrons, so you guys don´t have to rewind and pause the video to check the details. Thank you again for your support BTW 🙂 I crashed my drone the other day into a huge gum tree. When it hit the ground, it exploded into four pieces. Thanks to you, I was able to buy a new one.
Music from
Thanks again to master micro photographer James Weiss for his remarkable images of the tiny critters in this video. Just for the record, the microscopic images are not from my brews. They ARE critters you will find in your garden if you have an epic microscope. I used them as a visual support to tell my story. Unless you have a 400 times super epic microscope, you would never know what you had in your brew.
See more of James´s wonderful work at
Love and light
#permaculture, #organic gardening, #how to garden, #growing your own food, #sustainable living, #off the grid, #grow food, #gardening, #gardening tips, #sustainability, #vegetable garden, #covid garden, #lockdown garden, #covid project, #lockdown project, #lactobacillus bacteria, #soil bacteria, #soil microbes, #LAB, #KNF, #how to make soil bacteria,
Original Source Can Be Found Here