Finally, you can make a green juice with Kale that actually TASTES GOOD. I’ll show you what to do in this quick little tutorial.
Did you know that just a handful of raw kale (approx 60grams) gives you the following daily values?
* Vitamin A: 206% (from beta-carotene)
* Vitamin B6: 9%
* Vitamin C: 134%
* Vitamin K: 684%
* Calcium: 9%
* Copper: 10%
* Manganese: 26%
* Magnesium:
* Potassium: 9%
* It also has around 3% of B1, B2, B3, phosphorus & iron.
↠ Follow Door2Raw everywhere ↞
Peace love & joy to you all.
xx Julianne
True health, Longevity, Spiritual Kindness
PS. If you managed to read this description all the way through to the end, type “true health ” in the comments or leave me a butterfly emoji: “ 🦋!”
Original Source Can Be Found Here