What supplements do vegans need to take? Is a daily multi-vitamin necessary? Find out as Dr. Neal Barnard joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll on the Exam Room for a live Q&A!
Plus, Dr. Barnard answers other questions from The Doctor’s Mailbag:
-Can carbs raise cholesterol?
-Can you lower cholesterol if you don’t eat nuts and avocado?
-How can a plant-based diet lower blood pressure?
-Is olive oil needed for healthy cells?
Have a question? Leave it in the comments or chat and we’ll get to as many as we can.
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The Physicians Committee is dedicated to saving lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research. We combine the clout and expertise of more than 12,000 physicians with the dedicated actions of more than 175,000 members across the United States and around the world.
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