Bite Size Vegan YouTube channel:
Joey Carbstrong’s YouTube channel:
“Cowspiracy” on Netflix or at
“Forks over Knives” on Netflix
“What the health” on Netflix
“Cloud Atlas 2012” – Action, drama, mystery. A very nice film to watch, nothing about animals, but about morality.
This movie was the first that did me confronting even deeper with my understanding of what we eat.
Just watch and see for your self
“Okja” – On Netflix a hart moving film about a girl and her pig, that is as big as a medium elephant.
Skinny Bitch by Kim Bardouin
“The best speech you’ll ever hear by Gary Yourofsky”
“The Excuses Speech:
“Vegan Ellen DeGeneres: Awakening Compassion and EARTHLINGS”
“Influnce of words (2 Circles James Wildman)”
“Why Milk & Cheese Is Bad For You- in 90 seconds”
Netherlands website with recipes that helps you to cook with high protein or gluten-free.
also, this website helpt with where to buy vegan products like croissants, cheese, cookies etc.
Super handy website:
Vegan Shopping List for Easy Meal Planning
Dining guide to healthy vegetarian restaurants, vegan restaurants, natural health food stores, info on nutrition, veganism, vegan recipes, healthy cooking, travel, and more.