Convenience is the number one reason why people say they “can’t” go vegan, followed closely by price and accessibility (Do I even need to mention CHEESE?!). And when you look at what drives the fast food industry, it’s the convenience, the price, and the accessibility. So, what better way to prove how easy it actually is to be vegan, than by veganizing the most ubiquitous of fast foods: the McDonald’s Hamburger. Retailing for less than a dollar, and found pretty much on every continent, I wanted to show just how easy it is to recreate that almost-too-salty, real-but-fake-tasting burger. Using the same dirt-cheap condiments, I was able to recreate this burger in about the same time it would take you to drive-thru McDonald’s, and costing less than $2 a pop. Sure, Beyond Burgers are still a slightly niche item here in the states, but give it time.
Also, I just want to do a special shoutout to the McDonald’s employee that generously handed over 5 unused burger wrappers without asking any follow-up questions when we told him we needed them for a YouTube video.
For the full recipe, go to:
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Instagram: @monsonmadethis
Videography by Inseider Media
Instagram: @inseidermedia
Logo Design by Adam Blasco
Instagram: @adamblasco
Press Start – Ryan Little
#vegan #veganrecipes #monsonmadethis
Original Source Can Be Found Here